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By “due date”, we mean the deadline to hand in a homework or other kind of deliverable assignment to the teacher.
Teachers should explicitly state a due date for each assigment with the announcement of the assigment.
Teachers should not postpone due dates after announcing a due date unless an extreme event happens (e.g. disaster, holiday announcement at last minute)
Teachers should be aware of those who completed the assignment have a right to get higher grades than those complete that assignment in given time and caused prolonging the due date.
Teachers should never, ever put an earlier due date after announcing a due date.
Teachers should clearly state hour and minute to hand in the assignment.
Teachers should synchronize their watches with NIST Atomic Clock. (
Teachers should double-check whether textual representation of the day of the week corresponds to the due “date” or not, if they also state it.
Teachers should provide an environment that students can hand in the assignments. (e.g. they should state where their mailbox is, they should be in their office, they should keep the submission server up)
Teachers should not accept late submissions unless a lateness penalty exists for due date. (e.g. 10% pts cutoff for every hour of lateness) Please leave a comment under the post (on the blog) if you sign this manifesto.
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